Dylan Package Docs#
Documentation for packages in the Dylan package catalog.
The documentation for some packages is still part of the Open Dylan project, available in the Library Reference. Over time more of those docs will be hosted here as they’re moved into their own repositories.
binary-data - A DSL for parsing and assembling binary data
command-line-parser - Parse command line flags and subcommands
concurrency - Concurrency utilities
data-analysis - A collection of data analysis libraries
dylan-tool - Manage Dylan workspaces, packages, and registries
hash-algorithms - SHA-1 and SHA-2 hashing
http - HTTP client, server, and templating engine
logging - Logging library
melange - Generates C-FFI bindings by parsing C header files
meta - Recursive descent parser DSL
objc-dylan - An Objective C / Dylan bridge
regular-expressions - Regular expression matching
sphinx-extensions - Dylan extensions to the Sphinx documentation tools
strings - String manipulation functions
testworks - Unit testing framework
time - A time library
tracing - A tracing library based on the Dapper work by Google.
uuid - Universally unique identifiers
v3d - Small 3d vector library